i'm going to consolidate many of my blogs into VERY FEW blogs:
- My news/update/thoughts blogs (Goode Advice)
- Poetry will stay... it's rarely updated, but it's still a keeper
- Goode Cents: the money saving blog... many of the same resources are found @ in the resources section
- The remainder will stay up, but not be maintained
- Goode Books
- Sayings (many will migrate here... i like motiv. sayings & all)
- DI Seminars
- Asimov stuff
- Goode Ideas
- Etc...
The point is, I don't maintain them. I still want to keep a good archive of "thoughts," but I still may decide to move ALL of it to the Goode Design parent site after a while!
Well. Imma transfer a few things from Goode Sayings here right now!
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