Tuesday, April 07, 2015
About Me
- Name: Goode Design
- Location: Charlotte, N. C., United States
Goode Design is a full service design house with the capabilities of developing your corporate identity as well as giving your company presence through different forms of media. In the fast paced world of business, your company needs to look its best... your company needs Goode Design.
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- The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the Un...
Goode Advice: Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for (A)he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.

Goode Advice: The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

Goode Advice: Proverbs 11:15 He who puts up security for another will surely suffer, but whoever refuses to strike hands in pledge is safe.

Goode Advice: Proverbs 6:1-3 My son, if you have put up security for your neighbor, if you have struck hands in pledge for another, if you have been trapped by what you said, ensnared by the words of your mouth, then do this, my son, to free yourself, since you have fallen into your neighbor's hands: Go and humble yourself; press your plea with your neighbor!

Goode News: WE'RE DEBT FREE! (4-2-07) on schedule... as planned.

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