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Friday, March 28, 2008

Here's a Question: Racism?

When will we know that Racism is behind us... an ugly scar on the past? What will the gravestone of Racism look like? What will mark its passing? When we look back in time, what will historians say marked that Racism was no longer a pervading force in the world?

If I get any comments on this (or in beksters blog) there are a few ground rules:
1. No quoting the entirity of MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech. It is well done, and valid... but I'm asking 21st Century you... not MLK.
2. No poetic, poignant imagery... I'm talking practicality here. "Joining hands and singing" is nice imagery, but really... some people can't sing... and they have sweaty palms... i don't want to "Join hands and sing..." I want to identify the end of racism.
3. No saying it's impossible, impractical, unattainable or unrealistic. The goal and dream of such a reality makes it worth chasing at all costs. What will be the flag that marks victory?
4. If you're racist then please do 2 things: kiss my big white sphincter and go away. I mean that in love... but sincerely.

Maybe we'll do another post on what various parties do to perpetuate stereotypes, racism & prejudice. but that's a later note.

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