Creating a new Super Week... (stronger, faster, better)

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Not that many of my superweek friends know (well, Mike P. may)... It has always been a secret desire of mine to recreate the Superweek model. Not at PBC. Not even C of C. But Superweek for those who follow Christ. In other words, those who are tied... inscrutably bound to the heart of Messiah.
Here are some pros/cons lists... each with their pros/cons enumerated... i'll end with the Pros as that's a positive note to leave with... If any of my SWS buddies read this, don't take it to heart as egotistical criticism. I've been on both sides of this fence now... I've been there, done that... and have a small wardrobe of tee shirts. Let me say, I understand that organizations evolve. But I've had the dual side view... We'll chalk up part as having been my glossy memory of the "Glory Days" but I believe that something has honestly dulled. I don't think it's just a Staff thing either. I'd love to stir a discussion (doubtful that it would happen). This will be a critical look at what things have changed for the better or worse and what changes should occur going forward. Granted, i'm not really "part" of the inner circle any more. Maybe that gives me an advantage of seeing other things that the group does not... possibly at a disadvantage since there may be items I don't see.
My list of things I don't like about the camp model in general (i'm not sure you can remove all of them... nor are all of them necessarily "bad"):
- Emotional Cesspool
Cons: You tend to see a ton of people walk in with baggage and we're all strangers enough that it is difficult to effectively minister to that baggage
Pros: Sometimes the unfamiliarity is just what the doctor ordered to crack through a particularly tough shell.
Conclusion: It would be interesting to see how effective the camp/event model has been and studies to see how it could/should/is changed to meet a new, post-modern culture... are we post modern? - Hit & Run
Cons: There is very little time to build and strengthen relationships. In this, I've found that the people I thought I knew from camp(s), many turned out to be "Garlic" friends... i.e. Small Doses (I'm probably one of those.) However, you realize much later that there are also some people of great quality... sometimes it's not those you thought it would be
Pros: Once again, the hit & run model opens the door for some unexpected moments. But does the lack of real relationship accommodate the continuation of growth during the recovery process?
Conclusion: Again, i'd love to see the camp model torn apart and deconstructed... Think of SWS as the $6 billion Man... could it be rebuilt? Stronger, faster, better? - In-cohesive [ok, this is from a look back into the pre-engineer days... TAT & Crew days...]
Cons: Seemingly a scattered message that doesn't pinpoint, focus and penetrate.
Pros: You can cover more topics and use a spiderweb of items to catch more attention of the campers
Conclusion I think things have become a bit too ADHD. With the vision being built from too large of a base, you get a shotgun effect of the idea... lots of little points, but they may not penetrate as deeply. The other side of the argument is that you cover a lot more area. The benefit of having a small, even minute team that builds and executes the week is that everything has the same flavor. It's the idea of an Apple computer where everything in it has a very apple feel vs. a PC where each piece of software can have a totally different interface. - Online & Video Game culture: again, not something that camp staff can control...
Cons: you have to adapt and compete with today's entertainment... Video Games can look real... and we're trying to make due with Plywood & Spray paint.
Pros: Well, look at it this way... if they are a video game culture.... look at where you can find your next years inspiration... internet & video games...
Conclusion: I think we're seeing the gap widen between generations. Each consecutive staff will have to be that much more on the ball to look 2 years ahead each time they come to the drawing board. - Competing with other summer activities - Not something we control
Cons: You have the beach, vacations, & college visitations that are pulling kids (particularly the oldest group) away (and away for good)...
Pros: ok... this is a stretch... have you thought about using the SWS as a recruiting model... i.e. build it by recruiting people from other areas... the pro is... you can draw crowds from further who might not be as interested in the vacations
Conclusion: You've got stiff competition against a week of BIBLE camp... but i think if you spin it right... kinda like Aikido... you may be able to use it for you. - Inconsistent staff: (here's a pot/kettle scenario):
Cons: You don't have a consistent approach and you're having to re-teach staff the methods. This leads to people coming in without having "drank the koolaid."
Pros: you get a new, fresh approach.
Conclusions: Well, you need a little of both.. and you can't complain about this when you're one of the ones not being there on a regular basis. Touché. - The Video:
Cons: Don't these kids remember what they did all week already? Is the video available for purchase? Can part be shot before camp? Wastes camp resources & personel
Pros: it allows for another activity to gather the campers and have them contained
Conclusion: drop it for a year or two... see if anyone misses it... that means find something to replace it too... if you leave a vacuum, then it WILL be missed. Or, make the video purchasable. i.e. have a purpose to the video! - The board - i know... some of the potential readers are ON the board. Also, needless to say that I've seen how this board can break down, but we'll lay those memories aside for a moment... none of my friends on the board are responsible for that:
Cons: The gap widens with each consecutive year... Each year, more and more teens and pre-teens lose touch with the older generations. I think it's because the older generations want to be LISTENED TO rather than LISTEN TO a teen.
Pros: The board is needed! The camp needs older, wiser guidance. The board is needed to give a few people a great way to shape the future.
Conclusion: Term limits? or forced 2 year Sabbaticals... We're not talking about high priests here... maybe fresh eyes?
Things i LOVE about PBC and/or SWS or the camp model
- High impact
Cons: May build in the assumption that we've accomplished something by seeing a big splash.
Pros: It will likely be remembered years later.
Conclusion: is there a way to judge the splash/effectiveness ratio? - Planning:
Cons: We've lost the "Plan B" model... i.e. a backup for EVERYTHING.
Pros: Years of doing this has made building a superweek very systematic
Conclusion: We've come to rely too heavily on our system, we need to re-invigorate the system [to come further on in the discussion] - Uniqueness
Cons: each year you're in uncharted territory a tad bit.
Pros: It makes each year a bit different
Conclusion: possibly revisit the old themes... learn how they were created... possibly bring back the crew for 1 year with the express PURPOSE of passing on some wisdom... Each crew member find 2 Engineers and teach them a job. Bring Tim back for one big hurrah! I'm dead serious. Everyone will admit the man was a machine and a genius. He's served his time (both literally and figuratively) - Positive enforcement model
Cons: there are times when you HAVE to say no, don't & shouldn't
Pros: I know that in the past, you had a good way of finding the right times and ways to communicate the negatives in a positive light.
Conclusion: aw, heck... keep it up. - All Volunteer Staff/Speakers
Cons: You're kind of reliant on who actually shows up, and you have to rely on credentials that you perceive to be adequate
Pros: the volunteers are less polished and more real world... gives a great opportunity to involve the campers even in speaking... keeps the budget lower, and i think this is overall one of my FAVORITE parts of the week... sure things aren't as polished, but we get a vast array of Current Personal Revelations (CPR)... not just one CPR.
Ideas for improvement:
- Contest:
Have a theme building contest. Introduce it to a few people at some Christian colleges that they have to build a basic 3 – 4 day themed camp for PBC. show them the videos, the model and have them do 3 – 5 presentations with the Program Staff to build it... the winner gets an all-expense vacation to PBC to help implement it to the descretion of the Program Staff & Core staff. - Descipleship Training:
Truly, I think that the crew/first generation Engineers (me being one of them) did a lackluster job of passing the torch. The Crew showed us how to do the stuff, but forgot to tell us to show someone else... We never picked that up until now, and now, we're having to try to pass the knowledge along with the passion. Have the crew... the FULL CREW (yes, even Jerry Don & Tim Senn & Thig... all of them) come back and get 2 - 3 people of their OWN staff to teach them the job that THEY did... that means someone will have to run as fast and as far as Thig... Someone will have to hold a note as long and loud as Mikey P. Someone will have to talk like a fog horn like Curt. Seriously... there are real components that have been lost... and i'm not talking about events... I'm talking about dynamics and function. - Solidify:
Each Team should have a core of 2 – 3 people at least if not more that are constant returners. I'm not sure how to accomplish this. - Relational:
find a way to build a more relational model? Try to incorporate more full YOUTH GROUPS and separate out time for those groups to work together with their pre-fabricated group dynamic... so that the event creates a stronger youth GROUP for the church to which it returns. By no means am i saying you should BAR that lone youth... but put him in touch with/along side a group closest to his/her geographic location... try to build in a pen pal... - Staff Penpals: this is tough. But have some of the staff locate a youth of promise or trouble (of the same gender) and maintain email/blog contact throughout the year? that's a toughy!
so, any thoughts? What could be done... brainstorm... to make camp a better place and model?
Labels: camp, christ, church, friends, most high, PBC, superweek
ok, for the first comment. realize that this is NOT a definitive post... it's to fuel discussion... not any argument... If Superweek is as great as we all believe it is, then it could use being torn apart and put back together... an overhaul (like an 89 Toyota Celica)... And we should appreciate the opportunity to review and revisit. What works, what doesn't and what no longer works... even what will work again? If SWS cannot stand to scrutiny, then it cannot/should not continue.
1:11 AM
Unfortunately, I was mostly not around for the “glory days” of SuperWeek, though I have always been at PBC (Junior Week then Senior Week, but I went to Third Week once and SuperWeek only twice as a camper). However, this year will be my 6th year on staff for SuperWeek. I see a good bit (though certainly not all) of the inner workings of the Program Team. Many of the points you bring up have been discussed at length in meetings. Some of them have good answers, but for a lot of them the solution is so nebulous that it is impossible to get it perfect. The main thing is to PRAY and TRUST that God is going to do what HE needs to do with HIS CAMP. That said, I am always down with nit picking to try to make something better.
Let’s take this point by point:
EMOTIONAL CESSPOOL: We certainly can’t control (at least not in any major way) who comes in with what kind of baggage. We also can’t control what people will decide to do with that baggage. But, we can give them some tools to use to deal with the baggage they have and provide them with opportunities to lay their baggage out before others. Some baggage we are properly equipped to deal with, while some things are definitely beyond us. It couldn’t hurt to have someone come in to train the staff--at least the counselors--in how to deal with some of the things the campers may bring up. I’m thinking maybe some kind of presentation at the staff meeting on Saturday night (like we had before), or some other night when it is convenient for everyone involved, just to get some helpful hints.
In general, I think that our current mix of familiarity and unfamiliarity is pretty good. Sometimes it just takes talking seriously to someone you don’t know to allow yourself to open up. That kind of situation is available, but we also get to see a lot of the same people year after year, which can be a great thing.
HIT & RUN: If two people truly connect, they will make the effort to keep in touch, at least as far as the relationship is important to them. With e-mail and blogs, it is not difficult to keep current with people (even if people don’t always comment). :)
IN-COHESIVE: This is a big one about which I have mixed feelings. On one hand, it seriously irks me when the theme does not permeate everything we do. On the other hand, I realize that the things that stood out to me when I was a camper were not whole themes but isolated concepts within that theme. Some speaker would say a whole bunch of stuff (that I likely was not paying attention to anyway because I was too busy wondering whether or not so-and-so would get up the pluck to hold my hand) and I would pick up on one little comment that probably wasn’t even the point of what they were saying, and that comment would make a great deal of difference to me. I still think that everything needs to be smooth, flowing purposefully from one idea to the next, with theme-appropriate programs/activities in between. But, we can’t get TOO bent out of shape if that doesn’t happen because it may be God’s will for a certain kid to hear or do something that we hadn’t planned into the program.
I don’t like Apple at all (sorry), so a little PC hodge-podge-ie-nes could have a certain charm. I’m all for things making sense and “going” together, but if things are TOO slick, it turns me off. Basically, it is more important to me to have the actual ideas and concepts making sense with each other than to make sure that each program element is stamped on the outside with the same “theme” look and feel. Internal continuity matters more than external appearances.
ONLINE & VIDEO GAME CULTURE: It’s CAMP. The kids can “suffer” in the outdoors for a week. It’s not like we are hurting for attendance. Guitar Hero is fun and all, but I don’t think we have to compete with it. Just let “camp” be what it is.
COMPETING WITH OTHER SUMMER ACTIVITIES: Our major “competitor” right now is IMPACT, so I think we should just try to schedule our week so that there is not a conflict. IMPACT is a great thing for kids to experience, but it is not camp. Let’s set it up so that they can do both. But, again, it’s not like we are hurting for attendance.
INCONSISTENT STAFF: (What was that, Petey, about a pot and a kettle?) :) Yes, staff should be mostly consistent, but fresh faces and perspectives can be good too.
THE VIDEO: Not to hurt anyone’s feelings--because I know that certain people have worked VERY hard on this project--I agree that the video is too insignificant a thing (the way it is right now) to justify letting some of our best people be holed up in a little room all week. These people are too important to spend so much time doing something that matters so little.
THE BOARD: Well, what can I say? To be safe… nothing.
HIGH IMPACT: As long as the information presented is TRUE on a very deep level, splash all you want. But, I am against things being too flashy if there is no real substance behind it. Who cares if you remember it if what you remember isn’t something that actually matters?
PLANNING: Like I said, I wasn’t there for the “glory days,” but I agree that we now probably rely too heavily on things that are assumed. It is good not to have to re-invent the wheel every year, but I think it would benefit us to change things up. However, that is A LOT more difficult practically than it sounds. There are some changes in the works, though.
UNIQUENESS: As much as I think it would be cool to do some of the old themes again (especially since I wasn’t there for them the first time), I’m afraid they wouldn’t go off as well now. (Did you see our latest rendition of “Elijah and the Prophets of Baal”? Very regrettable experience...) It would be a really neat thing to have some of these people of PBC legend come back, but I don’t know if they actually would. Also, we can’t delude ourselves into thinking that it can ever truly be the way it was then. This is NOW and we have different people doing different things in different times. We need to make SuperWeek the best it can be for what we’re currently dealing with. We have to let go and move on, but we need to be big enough to ask people like Tim for advice once in a while.
POSITIVE ENFORCEMENT MODEL: “Don’t say, ‘Don’t Run!’ Say, ‘Walk!’”
ALL VOLUNTEER STAFF/SPEAKERS: It’s good to have a mix of people from the outside and people from the inside. Those from “outside” should be more professional so you know the kids will get a really good presentation. Those from “inside” should be more in touch with our overall theme.
CONTEST: I must say I disagree on this one. People get so emotionally attached to their ideas, and as long as there is more than one person with an idea, SOMEONE is going to lose and get their feelings hurt. Also, we are not hurting for ideas. We already have many awesome ideas for themes. The tricky part is trying to implement them. There is a definite disadvantage to having the ideas come from people who are not actually involved in the implementation, and I don’t think it is a good idea to have random people coming in each year to implement things when they are not familiar with how we normally do things. We ARE wanting to get more people involved in the planning and implementation though, just not in the way you describe.
DESCIPLESHIP TRAINING: It sounds like there is a very good plan in place to try to fix this problem this year.
RELATIONAL: When I went to Senior Week it was like what you were talking about. I always thought it was a great way to promote unity in my own youth group while still being exposed to people from other places. However, I don’t know how you would do this now. I’d be for it if we could figure out a plan that makes sense; however, I’m not sure if it’s possible.
STAFF PENPALS: Again, a great idea, but how would you bring it about?
This is some great stuff to think about. As we get deeper into the planning, we’ll need to continue to remind ourselves of why we’re even doing this in the first place. What is camp really about? What is the point? Hopefully, we won’t lose sight of the answers to these questions.
Thanks for the thoughts.
P.S. – You know that page banner I did for Tommy’s blog? That was done on a PC, so you see that good graphic design does not have to come from an Apple. :)
6:34 PM
ok, don't read this as rebuttals, but just additional food for thought.
I realize many things cannot be controlled or avoided. But I believe that anything that CAN be identified can have actions taken to curb it.
Emotional Cesspool: This is one place where I want to make a new camp, a new SWS and actually fill a handful of positions with paid, professional staff. Here would be a great place to have a professional Christian Counselor on site... (preferably 1 for every 20–30 campers and one just for staff). The argument could be made that, "Hey, it's just 1 week." But I've seen scenarios where it would have helped even in 1 hour of being on camp (circa Junior Week 1997)
Hit & Run: Here i'm referring more to the fact that there need to be constants & presence in life changing relationships. It would be nice to build on already present relationships within youth groups. But, the weakness to that is the calluses developed to the familiar.
Cohesiveness... or lack thereof: I agree, having variety is a great thing. I even don't mind some off topic discussions or activities. But the themes that stick in my brain are those that gelled. Though the activities all had a different flair, they all centered around the theme. As for the apple-esqueness, The point there: each idea should come back thru a specific filter to judge if it is theme appropriate.
Video Game Culture: I may have been unclear... What I'm talking about is that the kids are very much immediate-gratification types. Their worlds are culturally impacted by iPods, SMS messages, Chat, Blogs, etc... I'm simply saying that this can be a detriment... or a resource. It could be used as a touchpoint? I'd love to see a week that had a video game inspired slant? or a techie feel. But I love/miss the nature. hmmm food for thought.
Other Activities: Well, there's also Senior Week at the Beach (i don't mean the PBC variety) then there's college visitations (i.e. impact et al.) or some family vacations as soon as the school lets out.
Inconsistent Staff: Y'know. There was once a time that I said I would NEVER miss a Superweek. That's partially true still. I was once forced to sit out a couple of years. I won't go into the details, but I have Mikey P, Curt H & the Thigs to thank for my return. But then again, one year missed... those summers were some of my best. I found mission work rewarding. Then there were years of marriage. I miss my wife more when I'm at camp than I miss camp when I'm with her... So any any summer I spend with her is not a missed summer. Especially when you're in Costa Rica.
Video: dump it.
The board: Well, it's a good idea. But I think we need to review how this team contributes to the overall effectiveness of camp. Like Thigpen, I'm not an active part of the camp function... so it seems I can say whatever the heck I want... However, the win-friends-&-influence-people thing says silence is best. Don't get me wrong, all the superweek peeps on the board are my faves. I like Kent Massey & a few others... there are a hand full i don't know... but there are fixtures that would rather see people stagnate than grow.
Hi Impact: Well, one thing I miss was the well executed productions. There's a lot of How-To that the crew took with them. But you're right, well executed plans for a meaningless message would be fruitless. I believe that honing things would still be a good idea.
Planning: The point here is that there should always be a plan B. It should be well defined for those that make such decisions. Another item is the talent to improvise when a plan stalls during execution. That's harder to build in. I'm no longer a part of this execution as I would love to be. As you said, the week is not hurting for ideas. I think it's execution that I've seen lacking... primarily in the Engineer department. But that would be a great discussion for the crew, former engineers & current engineers to hash out.
Uniqueness & old themes: My point here is to revisit (even for the staff retreat) the way things USED TO BE DONE... not to harp on "the good ole days" but to internalize and learn some tricks that may still work... I think that the newer staff doesn't know at all how things used to be done. There's Tommy, Curt, Danny, Mike & Tony... Possibly one or 2 more. But Tommy is as close to a first generation Engineer as exists... He would have some touch points of the old way. But then again, I'm not saying the old ways were better. But if they're forgotten, then the value of them are lost also. I wish there was a SWS Black Book that gave recipes and how to instructions for various items. hmmm. Somebody call TAT!
Contest: Again, My point here is that we would get ideas from outside as stepping stones... not on actual final implementation. Kind of like we did with Total Recal: Creation to Cross (Walk thru the Bible). But the contest could be given to a group of people at Xtian colleges and they get until october to do a presentation... they present and the winners get the OPPORTUNITY to come aboard and see how SWS executes their program. They should/would have full understanding that the idea WILL be chopped to bits... they are coming to help US implement. If they choose to come aboard.
Descipleship: I would love to hear what is in the works. I would also love to see Coach Sal do a Time Management workshop. I would drive down every day for that.
Solidify: Kinda like Tommy, Curt, Danny & Larry... those that return know a system. But the other idea is: Have new staff to be apprentices to older, more experienced staff. The point here is that each returning staff member would be responsible for teaching THEIR job to someone else. Good to Great fashion.
Other stuff... some things are impractical... but it's a brainstorm... maybe just a brain drizzle. I think it would be good for the entire staff, or just the senior staff to read the book Good to Great and think of camp when reading it. I know SWS is a great idea. That's why I'm planning on modeling a future venture after it. Only kicker is: I plan on grabbing Tim Thigpen to give me some guidance on how to create it. Instead of 1 week built as an SWS. The summer will be an entire barrage of SWS and the rest of the year will be built around retreats, marriage, family & life seasons (retirement, baby-moon, counseling, etc...) like the Cove.
I want to see SWS continue long after I'm gone from earth. I will never badmouth how things progress. But I will look in and offer some (what i think is) constructive thoughts.
As I said, I've been removed from the scene for better or worse. But anything that is worth doing, is worthy of a good tear-down and re-build or restore.
Any more thoughts?
8:48 PM
PS: yeah, nice banner. I like it! But when it comes to raw power, my 3 year old mac can outperform my 1 year old PC... and the PC has more than double the RAM.
8:49 PM
I'll take Thig around the lake any time, any day, and I'll give the geeser a 3 minute headstart to account for his post-hippy hair drag.
Paul Murphy- 3rd Generation of Engineers.
3:59 PM
Those in the business world are familiar with a oft spoken pearl of wisdom:
Criticize in private. Praise in public.
However, a more appropriate one might come from Proverbs:
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.
There is much wisdom and insight to be gained by fresh blood being introduced to the Superweek experience, but their wisdom is given weight by both their years of experience before PBC combined with spending time in the trenches during Superweek. However, if this post is intended to be constructive criticism to "fuel discussion" then it should take place in a forum where positive discussion can produce decisions fueled by Godly wisdom. This is not such a forum.
However, there are some key facts that are wrong and should be corrected.
1. For what it's worth, there are still two "first generation engineers" still on staff.
2. If your 3 year old Mac can outperform your 1 year old PC, then you purchased poorly. Even if your early 2005 Mac purchase was a Power Mac G5, you would have topped out at a dual PowerPC 970 2.5GHz with 512 MB of RAM... assuming Wikipedia is fairly accurate. You one year old PC -- if we assume a similar investment in hardware -- would have been somewhere north of a Core 2 Duo E6700 Conroe with "more than double the RAM" (1.5 GB?). Now being purchased about a year ago would have meant that it is running Windows XP and not Vista (since it really didn't hit OEM machines until after the first of the year). And since it has been demonstrated that Windows XP is faster than OS X running the same applications, it is indisputable that your 3 year old Mac is lacking in both raw power and performance when compared to a PC spec'ed at the same price point three years later.
Drink less iKool-aid.
6:57 PM
Minheir! how nice of you to join in the discussion. As this is hardly a public forum (i.e. hardly anyone visits it besides those I know...) I can safely say, the criticism here (what exists) is quite private. I don't think I have amassed the following that I covet. Plus, we're all insiders here... well, i was at one time.
The 2 left should be You & Chris Thompson... correct? Tommy was year 2 (Dare I say, i believe that Tommy was indeed a superb engineer.) Chris found his calling in counseling... he's got a big heart! Danny... Well, Danny is a special breed. Director fits him like a glove.
The post here is not meant to be blatantly critical. But a deconstruction and discussion. I would LOVE to see people (those who care) put together a forum discussion of every SWS component.
That said, if you'll notice, I end every argument with a goode side presented. In other words, I wanted to start a discussion amongst us that care about SWS. Granted, there are plenty who care about it that are rarely in attendance (TAT for one).
But you miss the point. I'd love to deconstruct the entire SWS model down to the last bolt over a 2 year period of time. Literally take every part out that has ever been in it. See how it works, why it works, when it works and where it works. There are certain activities that have no place in some week themes, but other themes wouldn't feel right w/out that same part.
Well, I thoroughly believe that anything worth operating deserves a goode Disassembly once in a while. I would argue (as I'm sure those before us) that our generation of staffers are going to have to face deconstructing the workings of SWS and putting it back together.
You'll notice that a lot of the things that I don't like about camp are things that are outside of the control of the staff. I don't like that satan comes to camp every year... and THAT without paying the registration fee. But it's not something we can control. He's going to show up where the battle lines are formed. Will we as Christ followers?
Mike & I have discussed some of the changes. For goode or bad, you end up seeing that the only thing that doesn't change is change itself. How cliché. But tis true. If you take the approach I would likely forward – "Cut everything that doesn't forward the Theme" – Well, that wouldn't work either. I have a high appreciation of things that work like a well oiled machine.
However, I can see that one item dear to your heart was trashed. Not to hurt your feelings, but as I said in the blog post: If it isn't used to promote, then dump it. The point here: If it doesn't move you forward measurably, then it is an invariable waste of time. That said, if the video can be turned into something of greater value (post-camp/pre-camp?) then by all means, keep up the goode work! I gotta say, the video LOOKS great. I've seen lots of stuff that looks great, but is a waste. I see the video as a great drain of resources. It keeps you and a small group in a room for 5 days straight. Here's the question: If the video was TOTALLY cancelled next year... What would you do? What part would you take.
I'll likely pop in as an observer from time to time. Unless I'm told that I'm not welcome. But then again, I've got that Tee Shirt too. Maybe take part in an activity on occasion. My hope.. my goal... I want to build another SWS. But this time build it with some corporate ingenuity.
Things we plan on including when we build the SWS 2.0 (how cute, 2 point-oh.) Understand, we'll have heightened goal of family building and preservation above & beyond the christian retreat model.
• Licensed Christian Counselors on staff
• Licensed Marriage & Family Counselors
• Program & Creative teams (just like SWS)
• Few paid speakers if any... i LOVE the all volunteer speaker model of PBC.
• Similar capacity.. maybe smaller
All this said, i believe EACH of you have my email address... if not, Mikey P has it... he can pass it around. I'd LOVE to discuss the honing of the SWS in the future. SWS has a VERY special place in my heart. If I didn't care, I'd likely not say a word. But I'd still love to have a part in it.
As for computers, I chose mac so i wouldn't have to have a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science just to make my computer run properly. I will admit, my PC is only barely bested by my mac... arguably due to the fact that I can run my mac with my eyes closed where the PC is still clumsy in my hands... I won't touch vista for at least 1 or 2 service packs... then i'll tiptoe into it. I work with far too many developers (all microsoft developers) who deter me from getting it. Mike is the only one i know besides you running Vista successfully.
On a side note, I'm delaying my post about Liquid Church because I want to really discuss the camp... I wanna examine it. I wanna see it grow in some way. If you disagree w/ me or don't like what I say... I welcome your open disagreements here. Again, look at this as a private forum... no one but us is reading this anyway. And besides, If someone else did... who would it be?
10:42 PM
Mike P... Whatcha think? Y'think that 50 ish year old Thig could hang w/ Paul?
One thing I'd bet on: Thig could plan an entire week of camp and still be running at full bore on Friday Evening. You think you could endure with him? I'd love to see you shadow Thig for one SuperWeek implementation. In fact, if i were a bettin' man, i'd wager you a nice sum that you couldn't hang w/ Thig for an entire week of SWS work. Maybe I'm over estimating him, but I've got photographic evidence that Thig actually can bend the space time continuum.
LOL. He's become a legend... a discussion among blog posters.
11:02 PM
This forum is public and accessible to every netizen who might wander by. In fact, a search of "PBC Superweek" using the most popular search engine returns my blog on hit #3 and #4. And since my blog links directly to yours, it is easily found my anyone who might seek information on PBC Superweek. Since you desire privacy through obfuscation, the most prudent step would be for me to not link to your blog.
Sadly, even without a blog link, security (aka privacy) is not present. This is Security Myth #2 -- which is where people think that hiding insures their privacy and security. Given how you have freely broadcast on mulitple sites that you are posting comments about Superweek on your blog, there really isn't even the slightest illusion of obfuscation (much less privacy) in this instance. So again I say that such critcism is not appropriate in this forum, so I will not even begin to construct a man's attempt to defend my work done to glorify God -- despite the complete lack of understanding demonstrated in multiple direct shots on my efforts.
I will say that I have been given all the more reason to praise God for I know that ultimately my works will be judged by Him only and not any man. There will always be those who look on the work of others and complain -- whether they call other's work a waste of time, a waste of resources, or any of dozens of other ways to label something "inappropriate" by the standards of man. But I know that He takes more pleasure in my imperfect, wasteful attempt to praise and glorify Him than He takes in 10 or 20 years of other people talking about it.
As you moderate every post, the last word is naturally yours for I have said mine.
4:34 PM
Hey Pete, thanks for the goode thoughts and ideas. You have posted lots of stuff and asked lots of questions and it will take me some time to digest it all. One thing I really agree with you on is the video. I love the video and it is always done with a very high level of quality. However I agree that we need to do more with it. Duplicate it, distribute it, think of it as a marketing tool for SW. It's like when I used to do fireworks on Friday night. It costs about $500 and last for about 5 minutes. It was really great the first two years but then got to be not worth the money. I think having two of our best guys locked in a room all week to produce something that we don't make full use of is not wise. This is my idea...
Let's shoot footage and still photos all week like we usually do. Then for Friday night we could produce a "teaser" or "trailer" or sorts; no more than 10 minutes. That way the kids have a little something to watch, they get to see themselves and their friends on the big screen but no one has to go without sleep to put it together. Then someone will take all the footage and stills home and produce a really kickin video during the off season. Then maybe we could use someone like DiscMakers to duplicate a master DVD and create nice cardboard mailer sleeves for the duplicated discs. Then we mail them in the second or third week of January with registration opening in February. The kids and staff members get the DVD, watch the DVD, make their parents watch the DVD and show their friends the DVD. We generate excitement going into registration and build hype for the summer during a time of the year when most kids aren't thinking about camp at all. Also we should know what the theme for the summer will be and we can include another "teaser/trailer" for that summers SW encampment.
I am going to bounce this off the others and see what people think. Maybe we can come up with a way to make better use of an already great product.
Now for something completely different...
I think we need to be careful about swooning too much over "the old days" I know that I have in the past put a lot of pressure on myself to try to produce a week of camp that lives up to the standard of "the old days". The danger in that I believe is that if we are too focused on recreating those times we miss out on the opportunity that we have right now. None of the current campers were around back then and most of the staff members were not either. There is much value in dissecting the old ways, identifying the fundamental processes and ideas that made it so successful; but then we have to apply it for right now, not 1986. If we are not careful I think there is a sort of idolatry that can develop in focusing so much on "the old days". Thig is an awesome person; but I'm not him and none of us are. He made his contributions (and still does) but this is the time that God has given us to run with SW and we need to look around us and utilize the Thigness that is distributed in our current staff in their God given talents and abilities. I think we will see some changes made this year that will open up more opportunity for staff members to contribute in greater and more creative ways.
Thanks again for the thought food.
8:11 PM
LOL... When you Google "PBC Superweek" my blog is # 2 for the search if you leave off the quotes.
That tells you how much stuff there is out there about PBC Superweek!
11:37 PM
Stephen & Tommy.... & everyone
Stephen First...
Be reasonable... of all the things to search for online, how many people do a search for PBC. I think Tommy came up w/ a better notion of what to do w/ the Vid... As I said before... if it's not used as a promo, and all it does is keep you & DK and a hand full of folks tied up in a room most of the week or behind a camera... then we're misappropriating people. (the "We" is figurative).
I have no qualms w/ you doing the vid... I think the 10 min teaser for next year that could be distributed and or streamed online would be a MUCH better use of the video... You shoot PHENOMENAL Quality work... But I don't like "watching" life happen as much as I enjoy living it. We may be the wrong couple to ask... We own a TV, but we don't have cable, we don't watch TV... we watch approximately 4 hours of TV per MONTH. so, video doesn't do much for me... I'm a bit more biased towards books.
So, now that I've got an idea what else could be done w/ vid... don't dump it... do it, but purpose it differently. These kids watch too much TV already.
I agree... it's far too easy to put a glossy film on the years of yesterday. The CREW was the stuff of legends. It's nice to have heros... Mike, Curt, Tim, Tim, JD, Kevin, Greg, Tony... they're all heros. Without their first jump, we would not have been touched by this thing we call SuperWeek.
But living up to that level shouldn't be an idol or a goal. Surpassing it and leaving a legacy should be the goal. (IMHO). Granted, I have no job description among the SWS staff any more. So, I look in for reasons of my own. But it's really a reason to forward and expand your legacy... and the Legacy of those before us. To expand the Legacy of Kris Miller, David whats-his-face... JD Senn... Mary Thigpen, Stephen Mynhier, Earnest, Tommy & Becky Brown, Danny Baddley...
As I said before... I've taken on a task slightly different... its only a vision... a poetic spark, if you will...
But I MUST deconstruct every working part of the SWS and internalize it. It'll take some potential meetings w/ thig and the crew... current staff... engineers... and everyone in between...
Y'see. If SWS stays at PBC... that's great. But I will examine the blueprint... critique every component. I need YOUR insight more than ever.
One day, we'll build a NEW SWS at a different location. But the staff will be picked with great scrutiny. People that do what we do, when we do, like we do... People who will drink the Kool Aid & buy the sneakers, get the tatoo & purchase the bumper sticker. ok, maybe not so cultish...
I want to hone a new version of the SWS model for a very specific purpose: To protect & rebuild the Christ Centered Family Unit in the US.
So Stephen, Tommy, Danny, Curt, Becky, Heidi... I want to see your week succeed for MANY MANY MANY years to come. I need a model to work from. Stephen: they say the highest form of flattery & praise is imitation... well, That's what I plan on doing. There will likely be a video component to our vision too... But every component we put in will have to justify itself on a yearly basis.
11:40 PM
If I can amend part of what I said... it's not that the video itself is a waste of time, it's that the people who do it are so good at so many other things that it is a shame not to let them give more time to making other things better. Even superheros like Stemy and DK can't be everywhere at once. Sorry to have made it sound like their efforts have all been in vain... that is not what I was trying to say at all.
9:09 AM
I can't agree more! That's the problem I have w/ the vid. It is BEAUTIFUL. I think I've alluded to the fact that I wish Stephen was doing other vid work for our projects... but the point you made is true... it holes up 2 people that have so much more to offer to the people at camp vs. only working on 1 project all week.
Tommy alluded to re-purposing the video from an entertainment section of the week to a more fruitful item that is useful ALL YEAR LONG.
I'm always disappointed that the week videos aren't released for sale in some manner. I would LOVE to have a vid of weeks I've been involved with... kind of a video scrap book.
Maybe that would be an item Stemy could work on... a blog/site that is a "year book" of the week.. with streaming vid snippets... A look back on the years past!
HEY, whatcha think Stephen?
10:24 AM
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