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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

How do I relate to G_d?

bekster's blog (This is a blog by some friends: Tommy & Becky Brown)
In my circle of blog buddies, I was reading through the blog of an acquaintance... To tell you the truth, it was like reading the lead in to one of Tim's sunday topical studies...

She asks a really good question in her blog... This is a HIGHLY profound question. I haven't read the WHOLE saga... to be honest, I just tuned in to her blog thru Mike Polutta's blog, thru Larry Salley's Blog... and so on...

to boil it down how I read it:

"... my worship by means of congregational singing has gotten really stale and mundane, and I find it hard to focus on what is really important ... This still brings me back to the question of how should I relate to G-d? Looking at the marriage analogy again, since there was no blatantly obvious “falling in love” stage, the “honeymoon” stage was not very passionate."

"How should I relate to G-d?"

Y'know, her question is a just one. I gotta tell ya... it was hard for me to put into words... it still is. How does one relate to one who has so many roles?
  • He's a Dad.
  • He's a lover.
  • He's a disciplinarian.
  • He's a homeless person.
  • He's down-right confusing at times!
So... How does one relate to this nebulous being in the far blue yonder? Sure, Max Lucado has said that "G_d came near" and we've heard the "stories" of 2000 years ago or more.

How do I relate to G_d?

Now for some hyper-theological Xtians, I think it's fair to say who might comment (though none have so far)... We don't need a hermaneutical study. No overbearing use of greek, hebrew or aramaic (with the exception of Tim Lucas).

Now this is deep water here. Just in the list above, it's easy to see that G_d expresses himself in so many faces. Once we get the grasp on Him as a dad, he pursues us like a star-struck lover... Next, he brings discipline to our doorstep... the next he requiers our help and assistance.

Becky brings the illustration to the "simpler" marriage image... YEAH RIGHT. Okay guys... which of you has figured out your wife's total reasoning? Who among us would DARE say he totally understands the marriage relationship... So, in our confusion of how that works in our "normal" life, now we have to figure out how it relates to G_d.

Becky brings up a GREAT point: If we're to equate a marriage relationship with the Creator, why didn't we "date?" If we did "date," why don't I remember it? When did we fall in love? Assuming the Marriage took place at salvation, where was the "Honeymoon?" Why don't I remember it? And worse: In an Earthly marriage, we at least have the consolation that s/he's wrong as often as I am... It's so Alien to consider that you're never wrong... but never rub it in our face... and you love me anyway.

How does one relate to you, G_d?

How do I relate to you?

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