Charlize Marianela "Charli" Goode

We found out we're having a girl!
The facts:
- Expected due date: April 2, 2008
- Gender: Girl
- Gender (if born April 1, 2008) Twin Boys
- Name: Charlize Marianela "Charli" Goode
- Spelling: with an "i"... and a heart over the "i"
- Expected first words: WAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!
Why the name Charlize?
No, it's not because of Charlize Theron. Though that is a pretty name... maybe where we came up w/ the idea... But Charlize is the best way we could find to pass down Rebekah's Dad's name (Charles Luther) and us like it. She'll be a 5th generation Charli.
Why the name Marianela?
Well, here we passed on the middle names of both grandmothers: Belva Marie Luther & Carolyn Ann Goode. Thus: Mari An Ela... The Ela is the hispanic flair my wife wanted in a name.
What about the Goode granddad?
Well, we accomplish this by giving her My last name. How un-American to ask that question!
Take a look at the announcement slide show on the Goode Design site. I'll also be posting an edited version of the baby shower invite. We'll send invites to those who want one (simply contact me via email or use the contact us form on the site). The edited version will keep the location private... i wouldn't want someone posting my address online in their blog. There are wierdos out there. And they're probably reading my blog!
Well, i'm about to hit the sack!
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