Pete is...
Well, this harkens back to one of mike's old posts... possibly even one of larry's. I did a google of what "Pete is." Ok, first things first. I got the idea from facebook. It has this thing to tell what you're doing, how you're feeling or some absurd item like that. Truth be told, I have a facebook to catch up with one friend (bryan) & to try to get a group of my fellow Eagle Scouts together to do a banquet in honor of our former Scout Master. Afterwards, I'll likely cancel it and go back to being a hermit. Beyond that, I think that facebook, myspace and their ilk are a huge waste of time, energy and internet space. Folks who spend their lives online are bona fide, card-carrying idiots... but it did get me to thinking... I wonder what Pete is?
Well, if I Google that phrase "Pete is," I come up with the following
- Pete is almost free.
- Pete is pissed
- Pete is a man
- Pete is interviewed on this day
- Pete is lying
- Pete is known as the 5th beatle
- Pete is a voting member of the grammys
- Pete is an incredible soul
- Pete is a very traditional guy
First, I stood on it and it broke. So, item # 1 is established: Pete is overweight.
Ok, where was I.... oh, yes. fat. ok, Pete is (in no particular order):
- Pete is an investor. I want to be goode at something more than just a name-sake. I'd like to be able to make meaningful contributions beyond just sweat. Not to underestimate the value of a gallon of holy sweat, but I'd like a legacy larger than a bucket of salt water.
- Pete is a business owner. I got tired of working for someone else. Quite a while back (during camp one year) I figured out that I don't really like taking barked orders. I don't mind being asked. But barking at me makes me pissed (see item # 2 in the list above) and more likely to push back.
- Pete is an entrepreneur. I like building my own thing. Fulfilling someone else's dream all the time can get frustrating unless your own dreams can be seen in the mix.
- Pete is trying to remember what he was going to put for this point.
- Pete is sarcastic. Need I explain?
- Pete is a conservative Christ-follower. Here's a tricky item. I'm quite conservative, but I'm fairly certain that my tight leash isn't what puts me in good favor with the Father. I'm also likely to partake in fermented wheat and barley water and might even let a cuss word slip. But to hell with it.
- Pete is a screw up. Y'kinda got to be one when you're an entrepreneur. You really gotta know what it's like to screw up before you can make any real strides. I have a list of mistakes several miles long and I remember most of them as if they all happened yesterday. In fact, there are others who have small lists of my mistakes that are far from complete. I really wish I could get my hands on one of those lists and make it more... uh... robust.
- Pete is really sick of politicians. I'd like to hear someone walk to the podium on polling day and tell a bunch of these lazy, entitled americans to get off their fat butts and get to work.
- Pete is a proficient designer. I may be using the word proficient incorrectly here. I do this well. I'm no david carson by any means. But, I know how to do what I do.
- Pete is an apple enthusiast. This is obvious. But I'm not one sided. I own both PC & Mac computers. I'm just partial to having a piece of hardware and software combinations that actually work when I expect them to.
- Pete is writing a blog post about what Pete is.
- Pete is a little self absorbed at the moment.
- Pete is a husband (thus married). Though there are days when I seem oblivious to what an amazing woman she is, I cannot ignore the fact that she makes each day an exciting adventure. Nothing shines as brightly as when she is around.
- Pete is forgiven. This is the toughest part of the list. I know this to be true. I believe it whole-heartedly. But forgiving one's self is more difficult than it seems.
- Pete is a dad. I can't tell you how amazing my daughter is. For those folks who don't have kids, the only way you'll know what it's like is to become a parent.
- Pete is armed. seriously.
- Pete is still fairly abrasive.
- Pete is done writing this.
- Attract others or
- Repel others
Labels: stuff
A little introspection can be a good thing. I know what you mean about people seeming two-dimensional. Sometimes, though, it can be just as hard to know oneself as it is to figure out other people. As for myself, the two-dimensional pages are like pages in a book; only certain pages can be visible at a time, but the non-visible pages are still there. They can be found if the "reader" bothers to keep on reading. Those who really know me well have seen the Table of Contents, while others may have only seen one two-page spread.
Have you tried "Pete needs"? Doing it that way can be even funnier...
6:21 PM
Introspection: Totally agree.
Book Pages & Table of Contents: Great illustration. That would be a great item to flesh out a bit more... then again, it could get a little redundant with cliché.
Pete Needs: yes, did that. It's what gave me the idea for the "Pete is" search.
7:16 PM
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