Tuesday, March 31, 2015
The part that is never said is:
Think before acting until correct action becomes second nature... When in doubt; think!
Still, the biggest mistake of thinking is when you do so in a vacuum. Get advice! Find someone who's been there before. Filter advice through metrics by weighing the success of the adviser with their age and how it stacks against the advice a group of his/her peers.
Oh, don't ask Facebook, Twitter or any other social media for advise.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Calvinism vs Armenianism
When I talk to a Calvinist, I'm often surprised by how Armenian they sound. And vice versa.
Friday, March 27, 2015
You need to arrive at success with scars. Each scar will have a story to tell & you will be able to pass on your knowledge (your story) by recounting scar.
It is not enough to be capable. One must be capable & willing.
In fact, it is arguable that you may not even need to be capable… Merely willing.
How many incapable people have done things simply because they were willing… They were willing, they learned & they did. They became capable.
If you are not capable, simply be willing. The capability will come to you when you do.