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Monday, May 19, 2008

Obama & 57+ States

Ok, This was funny. But I've heard equal flubs from both sides... But this one is slightly more pronounced since he is:
1. A fairly well spoken man.
2. Of Muslim Decent.
3. A Junior Senator (did i say Junior?)

However, it seems that both sides wants flubs forgiven, but wants to flog the flubs of the other freaks (had to work lots of Effs in there... and still remain clean.)

The folks he talks about (during the last state of the union) are really in pain... but how much of his new social agenda is going to be promised to boost the middle class and the low income folks who clearly spend every dime they have. His socialized medical & health... limiting profits of private companies... raising taxes on the profitable producing companies... expectations of punishing business owners will do nothing but hurt our economy.

People who yap about how the Government needs to fix stuff should take a good look at the US Constitution. It says "WE THE PEOPLE" not "LET THE GOVERNMENT..." It says we are responsible... we the people. We the people are responsible to establish justice. We're responsible to Life, Liberty & the PURSUIT of happiness.

I don't care who's in the White House! There's not a single one of them that will solve your problems. The only house that can solve your problems is YOUR house. If you will wake up and begin making decisions and taking responsibility when YOU charge up a credit card and max out your debt, and YOU start making changes in how you act... When YOU start taking responsibility for your behavior and your kids... when YOU start taking responsibility for your decisions of what you do, say & eat... When YOU show up for work on time or before... when YOU stay at work until time to get off or 5 minutes later... When YOU work the entire day you're AT work and quit worrying about how many vacation days you get. When YOU become an effective individual... then YOU will notice a difference in YOUR life. The biggest contributing part of YOUR life is YOU.

Grow up and shut up. Remember it was JFK that said we should stop asking what the country will do for us! Rather we should ask how we can become a productive part of this nation.

Quit thinking that Obama, Clinton & McCain will solve your problems. YOU solve your problems. You are not entitled because you're an American. You don't deserve squat. You deserve to get up and leave the cave and drag your OWN dinner home like the rest of us. Quit complaining that it's hard work, we all have to do it, too! As Larry Salley so eloquently pointed out: Life is NOT fair. Get over it!

You be a responsible, contributing & giving part of YOUR community. Quit waiting for the "Government" to raise MY taxes to pay for your stupid choices. This election is going to give us 4 years of something I don't think we want... regardless who wins.

Basically... whoever wins, we lose.

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